Friday 12 November 2010

Down Time Over...Time to get Serious!

Its been a while since my last blog and training/planning has been ticking over quite nicely but its now time to get those serious miles in!

As far as a review of my season goes I've had a pretty decent one really...a total of 5 age group podiums with 3 of those being wins! Got to be happy with that!
My running improved, as did my swimming (a bit!), but my efforts on 2 wheels were pretty similar to last year. This was a bit disappointing really. I think it was due to a lack of proper base miles and hills last winter, due to my South Atlantic trip! I did get some good race results though, but these were mainly in sprint events which is how I come to the conclusion that I was lacking endurance on the bike.

My last race of the year was the 'Salomon Turbo X' race in Sheffield which was basically a beefed-up x-country race through mud and rivers. It was enjoyable, but was spoiled by poor marshaling. I was in the top 5 until we were sent the wrong way, and after running for about a mile, we were turned round and had to retrace our route back to the correct path. This resulted in about 20 of us rejoining the race close to the back of 400 competitors! Not good! I finished in 14th overall but the result had no importance after the route faff, I just enjoyed the 10 mile (which was actually nearer 13 for some of us!) blast through mud and thorns!

Since then I have not ran (until yesterday). I replaced my run sessions with run drills and weights/core work in an attempt to strengthen my 'run legs', before increasing the mileage over the winter. I have been building my swim miles and trying to improve on my technique whilst also trying to get as many miles and long hills in on the bike as work and weather will allow!

One thing I am going to try this winter is spinning. I have occasionally used spinning bikes before but never in a class session...until last night! It was tough! I've read in numerous articles that spinning is good for technique and is a good way to improve cadence and I can see how! Some of the sprint intervals had my legs flying round in a blur! After the spinning class I hopped on the treadmill for my first run in a while...nothing drastic, just 15 min at a comfortable pace.

So, for the next couple of months, it's a case of focusing on strength and endurance with the very occasional intensity session thrown in for kicks and giggles!

I have entered a half marathon in Jan (the 'Brass Monkey' in York) so that should be enough to keep me focused and off the lard!

Train smart