Monday 8 August 2011

Bad Days and Good Days

Since my last blog I've raced at the Inter Services Standard distance and just recently, the Beverley Sprint.

The Inter Services at Belvoir Castle back in July was not a good day at the office for me, hence the long time its taken for me to face my demons and blog about it! Also, I've had a better race since then and it's a lot easier to write about the good ones!

I went into the Belvoir Castle race having not ran for 2 weeks due to my 'glass' calf playing up (again!) and so was not really in the right frame of mind to embrace the race pain, especially as I was about 2 kg over the weight I would normally be (injuries = depression....depression = comfort eating!).
The swim was a right old fight! I didn't get any clear water until half way round the first lap and did not enjoy swimming through the gritty, silty, muddy puddle!
Once out the water I was hit with nasty cramps in my hamstrings which stopped me dead and took what seemed like an age to calm down.
The bike was a bit of a slog too. I just couldn't find my bike legs at all.
Once on the run I just concentrated on looking after my calf as much as I could. Surprisingly, I completed the race but at the expense of a strain on my other calf! Overcompensating I guess.
I did manage to come away with a bit of glassware thanks to Sags and Matt who both raced really well and finished 1st and 2nd vets, with me bringing up the rear as 7th vet overall and 3rd RAF vet, which bagged us the vet team title.
I enjoyed the course, I just wish I could have done it justice!

After a wee bit more rehab on the calf, I was keen to put that race to bed by performing better at my next race.

Thankfully the Beverley sprint was a considerably better outcome!

My 400m pool swim was pretty standard for me at just over 6 mins out the water (6:22 over the timing mat).
The 20km bike was pretty flat with only a few lumps but it was big ring all the way despite the tasty winds. I had a bit of a ding dong battle with another vet all the way round the bike which helps to keep the hammer down and entered T2 about 10 secs ahead of him.
I felt good on the run and managed to put a minute on the other vet bloke behind me and so was hopeful of a vet podium.
I actually ended up 2nd overall and 1st vet! Came away with some nice prizes (wine x 2, Udo Choice Oil x 2, vouchers and a cheque!).

It's always great to win stuff but what was really pleasing was that my run time was still decent and no calf issues! Pure relief.

With only one more race before I head out to Spain for the World Du Champs, I feel good again and much more focused. I just need to maintain run fitness i.e. NOT GET INJURED, and go wild on 2 wheels.

Train well.