Monday 21 September 2009

One Race To Go...

After last weeks race I took 2 full days off as my legs were feeling a tad sore. After that, I got stuck in to some high intensity interval work in all three disciplines in the lead up to my last race of the season, which was going to be the Warwick Tri but as I didn't sign up in time, I'm now doing a sprint race near Hull.
One thing I have recently discovered is that using training DVDs whilst on the turbo really makes me work hard! I've never used them before but I'm hooked on them now. I've got a really good 'power' workout DVD which is great for some seriously 'intense' intervals! They make the time pass a lot quicker than just listening to thumping music.

My run sessions have been going fairly well with intervals varying between 2 and 5 minutes with similar rest periods. My calf is still behaving but I've got a couple of other niggles which I'm sure will clear up once I give them a chance after the race in 2 weeks.

Swim workouts have followed in a similar vain to my running and biking...hard intervals of between 50 and 200m with decent rest intervals.

All these workouts are intended to 'sharpen' me up a bit, ready for the sprint race...well that's the plan!

My long(ish) ride last Saturday was a 2 and a half hour ride in the late summer sunshine, which would have been a cracking ride if it wasn't for the flipping wasp sting I got in my thigh! There have been so many wasps around this year, I reckon I've been lucky to have lasted this long without being jabbed by those useless stripey beasts!

This week should be more intervals, probably of shorter duration, with longer rests, before easing off for an easier week prior to my last race of 2009, then it will be a well deserved rest and review of the season.

Train smart and enjoy any races you may have left!

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