Tuesday 5 October 2010

A Soggy End To The Season.

All the races I have competed at this year have been blessed with decent weather...until the Humber Sprint last Sunday!
It was a downpour from start to finish...I reckon I was drier in the pool than I was on the bike!!
It's not very nice racking your bike in pouring rain, having to put your shoes in plastic bags to stop them filling with water! I've never raced in the rain before and I hope I don't have to do it too often.

Having finished my 400m swim in over 6 mins I ran out into the rain for a 150m run, through the puddles to T1.

Once I got going on the bike, even though it was wet and windy, I wasn't as cold as I was expecting to be. It was a mistake putting shades on though...I thought they would help keep the rain out of my eyes but I could barely see the road and ended up pushing them down my nose like a pair of reading glasses until I needed them on the downhill sections, when I'd push them back up! There were also a lot of big puddles and rivers of water to contend with, which caused a few scary moments on some of the fast descents!

I was glad to get off the bike and into my running shoes, despite them being a tad soggy! The run was supposed to be 5km, but it clearly wasn't, as I clocked a time of 15:33 mins...I wish!

I finished 5th overall and 1st in my age group, which was very pleasing, but I took more satisfaction from registering the fastest run split of the day!

Looking forward to the 'Survival Race' this weekend with a few fellow triathletes, and to be honest I don't care if it rains at that race, it'll just add to the fun!!

Train well.

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