Saturday 4 December 2010

Sick Of Snow...and My Turbo!

Am I the only one sick of this weather and turbo riding?! I long for a degree or two rise in the temperature so that I can get out on the roads! I have set up my turbo in the gym on camp, rather than trying to squeeze in next to the Eskimo family and the polar bears in my sub zero garage!

Although the gym is a much more pleasant environment to train in than the bare brick of my igloo of a garage, it's still turbo training...and I don't like it! It's ok for sessions up to 90 mins or so, but sitting on the thing for 3 or 4 hours in an attempt to rack up the base miles is just not funny!!

As for running, the snow bound countryside is quite nice really, and I don't really mind treadmill running to build up those base miles. But it would be a different story if I had to do more speed work...I don't like speedwork on a 'treader' so hopefully the snow and ice will be gone by Christmas which is when my training is due to take on a more 'intense' slant. (That sounds like a plan of some sort doesn't it?!)

So lets pray for some slightly warmer weather, failing that it's time to get your aerosols out and spray them directly in to the sky and get this global warming going!!

Stay warm, train smart.

1 comment:

  1. Yes its crap this weather isn't it, i'm in turbo hell too!
