Sunday 1 May 2011

A Nice Long Windy Training Weekend!

The Inter Services Duathlon last Weds was a great gathering of RAF Tri members. Alas, this still wasn't enough to topple the Army who filled the top 3 slots. We are getting close to them though, with 8 RAF blokes in the top 18. One day!
On a personal level, I enjoyed the racing, although I'm not a fan of totally flat bike courses as I find them too painful with no respite, especially in the wind!

My splits...5k run 17:20
20k bike 30:21
2.5k run 8:37

The second run was a good old tussle with Jase, Matt, Saggers and myself with the evergreen Sags coming out on top! I just had nothing left when Sags pushed for home in the last 100m!

Since the race, I've tried to squeeze a lot of training in and make the most of the nice long weekend.

The day after was an easy 45 min spin followed by a beasting on the foam roller!

Friday was a hilly 2 hour bike at tempo pace. In the wind!

Saturday was an early swim: alternating 500m paddles/500m without x 2, then 4 x 200. In the evening I ran what was supposed to be a steady 7.5 miles however, my good lady accompanied me on her bike and I found myself running harder than I'd planned! Ended up with a time of 46:12! Damn the male ego!

Today started with another swim. Drills for 20 mins then 10 x 100m on 2 mins then 5 x 50m hard/50m easy. This afternoon was a battle in the wind (again!) with a 70 mile ride...first half was great with the wind behind me, second half was a killer! But at least it was sunny!

Tomorrow I'm off into the hills for some tough running, Sutton Bank and White Horse to be exact, for several hill efforts in the woods, over about an hour or so, then into the cafe up there for a huge slice of carrot cake! It's all about the rewards!

Sprint race at Brize in just over a week...hope the wind has died down by then!

Train well.

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