Saturday 25 June 2011

Blogging Catch Up...

Since my last blog I've done a few races so I'd better bring things up to date I guess!
Odiham sprint was a couple of weeks ago and this was my first dig at this race. It was surprisingly hilly, both on the bike and the run and then throw in a bit of wind and rain and this was a fairly tough race as far as Sprints go! Timings wise, my swim was good, bike was ok and run was fine...nothing flash, just a solid race for me. 'Super Sags' beat me by nearly 20 seconds to take the Vet race. That was 2 -1 to Sags!

Shortly after Odiham was the Dambuster standard distance. I'm not a massive fan of this race, mainly due to not having had a decent bike leg on this course, it always seems to hurt so much and for seemingly little gain, and this year was no different! However, despite not being my fastest bike split at Dambuster, I managed an overall PB this time around, by about 2 mins! Happy days.
I didn't quite break my long term Dambuster goal of 1 hr 10 mins, but this was the closest I've been to it by just 17 seconds. Hey ho, always next year, again! At least I managed to level the score with Sags... 2 -2.

My third race since I last blogged was today, a local 10k road race. It was a fast start and after 2 miles I was out front with one other runner. I shadowed him for anther couple of miles until finally he started to ease up (thankfully!) and I pulled away and came home to win in 35:21. OK, it's fair to say this was not an extremely high caliber event, what with no Saggers there, and I don't even recall seeing Mo Farah there, but hey, it was good training and a wins a win!
I was also joined today by Max, my 16 year old son, who had a crack at the 5k race. He did really well and clocked a time of just over 20 mins, bagging 10th place!

Go on son!

Looking forward to a 3k wetsuit swim and an 80 mile bike in the sun tomorrow. Summer is here!

Train smart.

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