Monday 9 March 2009

Another Hard Week In The Bank...

This was my 3rd hard week of a '4 hard/1 easy' cycle. I admit, I did take a bit of a risk this week by upping my run mileage and intensity in the same week, and with no recovery runs I realise I was risking picking up an injury. But I've survived....2 long runs, a hard interval sesh of 2 min hard/1 min easy (x 10), and my favourite of the week was a session I picked up from Hussler's hill workout!

These hill repeats were done on Friday afternoon after I'd finished work at 2pm. Hills within running distance are non existent around Linton-on-Ouse so I chucked my running shoes in a backpack and hopped on my bike to seek out a suitable hill to tame! I stopped at a particularly evil hill about 30 mins ride away and hid my backpack in the hedge while I spent the next 30 mins doing seated climbs. Then I hid my bike in the hedge and spent a further 40 mins running up and down the same hill. It took about 90 secs to run up and I ran down at a fast, controlled pace before taking a minute rest at the bottom. This was followed by a very steady ride home.

On Saturday, the day after my 'hill brick', I did an early morning 3km swim followed by a 50 mile bike. Needless to say, on Sunday, my second long run of the week (14 miles) in gale force winds, was a tad tough!!

During my longer sessions this week, with Ironman nutrition in mind, I've tried to make a conscious effort to get more energy drink/bars/gels down me, trying to get my body used to simply eating on the move! Things on this front are going ok and I'm gradually increasing the amount I can consume without the need to dive behind a bush mid ride or run!!

All in all, I squeezed in 4 runs, 4 bikes and 3 swims this week. Result!

This coming week is another hard week, before an easy one leading up to my first race of the season on Mar 22nd. I'm a great believer in 'listening to my body'...if I feel good I train hard and when I'm tired, I rest! I know it sounds a bit basic for a lot of you 'wattage crazy' dudes but it works for me and at the moment I'm feeling good, but I'm REALLY looking forward to my easy week!

Train well.

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