Sunday 15 March 2009

Best Laid Plans...

Well, last weeks fourth week of 'hard' training in a row before an easy week, didn't happen quite as planned! My body just wouldn't work!

I normally don't lie in at all and struggle to stay in bed past 0730, but last weekend I didn't get out of bed until 11 o'clock!! If ever I needed a sign that I was pushing things a bit, then that was it! So I realised that I had to change my plans and just take it easier for the first half of the week.

Monday was just a swim of 6 x 400m at a moderate effort followed on Tuesday by an early morning turbo session of pyramid intervals. Tuesday evening was a 30 min treadmill run with some core and lots of stretching.

I was still feeling really tired by Wednesday so I dropped my morning session and just did 4 x 500m in the pool after work.

I started to feel a little better on Thursday so pushed hard on the turbo with 4 x 15 min tempo efforts on 5 min rest. This was done on my race bike and although my glutes were a bit tender the next morning, the new saddle height set up feels good.

Friday was an early (0530!) 1 hour of fartlek running on the treadmill. During the run I felt fine but later that day I began to feel my right lower calf tighten up. I gave it several impromtu massages throughout the day and a few stretches on the stairs at work (for which I had to take a fair amount of banter!), which seemed to help. That evening, during a 3km swim, it felt a little sore on the first few push offs so I just pushed with my left leg to try and protect it. When I got home I massaged, stretched and iced it up.

I decided to rest on Saturday and kept working on trying to fend off any possible worsening of my calf 'tweak'.

Sunday's long'ish' ride of 3 hours was done on my race bike, over a fairly flat course, where I managed to stay on the aero bars for most of it without any discomfort. It feels great to get out on my race bike and put the hammer down after a long winter on my old and heavy 'work horse'!

This week I've been working nights and as I have a race this coming Sunday (Stokesley Du) I've just been training once a day, mainly brick sessions.

To give my calf an extra day of rest, on Monday I ditched my run and just did 16 x 100m in the pool.

As the weather has been awesome this week I've had the race bike out..a lot!

Tuesday was 90 mins bike followed by a brisk 30 min run. The calf felt great on the run, but again, it stiffens up later on(?). I keep icing it, up to 3 times a day and it seems to be hanging in there!

Wednesday I biked to the pool for some drills and speed work. I was petrified at leaving my race bike outside the pool in York! I had 2 locks on it and begged the pool dude to keep an eye on it. All was well when I returned, but I'll not be taking my race bike to the pool again. I spent the whole swim session worrying about the flipping thing!

Today I did some short, sharp brick work...3 min hard on the bike with a 2 min run then 5 min rest. Repeated this 4 times.

Thankfully the calf seems fine but just to be sure I'll not run now until the race on Sunday.

I've never competed at Stokesley before but it looks a fairly flat and fast course. Hope this lovely weather holds until then!

Train smart,race well.


  1. Mal

    I'm not a coach, nor a doctor, but for goodness sake rest man!

    It's March, your big race is not till August, take a couple of weeks off running to let your calf recover and then move on. I had a calf problem last year and the only thing that let it heal fully was to stop running in toto. Cutting back didn't sort it, because although it felt good it relapsed once I tried running again. 2 weeks completely off running and it was sorted.

    Can you sustain this level of intensity all year? I'm definitely putting you in the Sags category of training nutters! (in a nice way of course).

  2. Very wise words Turbo Man...I know you're right but I'll see how my leg feels after my Duathlon on Sunday and if I have any twinges at all, I will rest properly....honest!!
