Monday 6 April 2009

Puddings and Topsoil!

Since my boys have been home from school for the last couple of weeks, they have taken over ownership of the computer so I've not been able to get near my blog...until today!

I seemed to recover fairly quickly after the Stokeskey duathlon so I managed to get some decent long sessions in, including a bike/swim/bike brick (2hr 30mins) on the Friday of that week and a 12 mile run on Saturday. I finished that week with a long ride on Sunday of just under 60 miles on my race bike. I totalled 12 hours that week and felt good, due in no small part to getting plenty of early nights and a good 8 hours sleep almost every night!

This week was a planned hard week. It all started well but I had to have a little re-jig at the weekend due to a wee hangover!

Monday- a hard run session of 10 min warm up, 7 min hard tempo with 3 min easy - repeated 6 times, 10 min cool down/stretch

Tuesday- am: a 5am turbo workout. Starting on an easy gear at approx 105 rpm, then move up a gear every 10 mins until I couldn't maintain a min of 95 rpm, then back down the gears, picking up the revs again.

Tues pm: Swim. 8 x 250m on 5 mins

Weds- Swim. Drills and speed work. Working early so just one session today.

Thurs- am: Long brick. 2 hr ride on a pretty windy day backed up with an 8 mile run.
pm: Core work and stretching.

Friday was a rest day and an evening of fun and frolics at a leaving do for a couple of good blokes who are leaving the mob. Although I admit I did eat and drink a little too much, it's just a vicious rumour that I finished off 3 puddings!

Sat- this was supposed to be a long swim at 7 am followed by a long bike. However due to the fact that I was feeling slightly dodgy (that last pudding must have been off!), after the swim I had a large brekky and collapsed on the sofa! To help ease my guilt at not getting on the bike, my better half had me shifting a ton and a half of topsoil from the front of the house to the back...a wheelbarrow full at a time! How I regretted not escaping on my bike!

Sunday- Made up for Sat by going on a 4hr 30min ride on my race bike. Stayed in the tuck for as much poss but finished with a sore neck. I tried to run off the bike but my left knee felt quite sore too so decided not to push my luck and left the run until Monday.

Today, Monday was a 14 mile run. Felt fine energy wise, just my legs feel a bit tender. Thankfully my knee feels fine, with no repercussions from Sundays long ride.

Another hard week planned for this week....hopefully!

Train well, eat better!

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