Tuesday 28 April 2009

Quality not Quantity

During last week I only managed to train once a day (apart from Sunday) as I was on a course which started early; too early for me to squeeze in a morning sesh, which was probably not a bad thing as I will be racing at the Inter Services Duathlon Champs on Weds 29th, and the week long course prevented me from pushing things too hard!

Monday, (day after last weeks race at Skipton) I felt pretty good, no soreness, so I went out on my bike for about 90 mins, pushing hard for the last 30 mins.

Tuesday was a 10 mile 'negative split' run, backed up with some core stability stuff.

Wednesday was a long swim and on Thursday I did a 'quadruple brick'. I wanted to do this quad brick session since Roy B gave me the idea whilst at the TriUK team launch. It didn't involve any massive distances but I worked hard and enjoyed the pain! After a warm up, I biked hard (turbo) for 15 mins, then straight into running shoes and ran hard for 10 mins, then repeated it 3 more times, without any real rest, apart from the time it took my legs to get up to speed on the bike! By the last one I was shattered!

Friday I was in the pool where my main set was 10 x 200m on 3:30mins.

Saturday was an hour of running incorporating short efforts of 1 min hard / 1 min easy.

The weather was fantastic on Sunday morning so I went out for a 40 mile bike, mixing some 'race efforts' in, and ran for about 20 mins off the bike. Went to the pool in the evening and was pleasantly surprised to find it pretty empty. I'd never been on a Sunday night before, but I think it will be a regular slot from now on as I had a lane to myself...that just doesn't happen in York!

So, not much 'quantity' this week, but at least there was a decent amount of 'quality'.

Once this Duathlon is out of the way on Weds, I have about 4 weeks until my next race (Brize Sprint) so I will be able to ramp up the 'Ironman' mileage again. Hopefully, by the end of the next 3 weeks, I should have a 100 mile ride in the bag and my 'long run' should be a 20 miler....fingers and toes crossed!
Overall I'm pleased with the progress I'm making with my IM training, and the support I'm getting from all over the world really helps....no it really does....just take a look at this photo which turned up in my inbox...this is my Dad, at his home in Florida...and he thought I wouldn't put this photo on my blog!
Looking good there Dad, but I'd loose the bell if I were you, it'll only slow you down!!
Stay in shape (yes, round is a shape!)

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