Thursday 3 December 2009

Leaps and Bounds!

My recovery seems to have turned a corner and I'm coming along in leaps and bounds!! Since my last post I have not only managed a 2 hour bike ride - actually on the roads...not only have I been swimming...but more miraculous than all that is the fact that, last night, in the gym, I actually ran for 20 minutes! Hallelujah!!!

My 'run' started as a brisk walk at about 6kph. I increased the pace to a very slow jog after about 5 mins, and by 15 minutes I was up to a mind blowing 10 kph! Yes it was slow but it felt fantastic to be running again. I felt as though I could have gone on for longer, or even ran a bit faster but I was remarkably sensible and decided to quit while I was ahead! (for once!)

Today, I am feeling a little sore but in a good way, if that makes sense?! One or two of my scars feel a little 'tight' but other than that it's mainly a bit of DOMS really, which is just natures way of letting you know you are working hard enough!!
So now that I have managed to get back to all 3 disciplines, it's just a matter of increasing the mileages steadily. The biking should be fine, as should the swimming, but I know I need to be hyper careful with the running. So I haven't set any running goals - I've just got to listen to my legs and rest properly after each momentous run!

Things are definitely looking up! Enjoy your base miles!