Tuesday 17 November 2009

Progress at Last!

Well, its been almost 4 weeks since my op and my legs are recovering quite well really. So much so, that I can now manage 30 mins of easy spinning on the turbo...and it feels great to be exercising again; waking my heart from its 'rehab slumber' and being able to feel sweat dripping off my nose!

I don't really have much pain now. My upper legs are a shade of 'greeny yellow' and my lower legs are more of a pale yellow colour. The scars in my groin don't restrict my movement anymore and only hurt if I press on them quite hard and thankfully, they are in such a place that they don't hurt at all when I'm perched on my bike saddle. There is still some stiffness around the scars and bruises on my inner thighs, but again, this doesn't restrict my leg movement much. In fact, the only real pain I have is down the front of my shins and around my ankles which I can only describe as being like having constant 'ice cold pins and needles'. This pain itself is not too restrictive, just quite uncomfortable. I hope to be back in the pool quite soon but I will need to wait until my legs return to a more natural colour, rather than looking like an anaemic rainbow!

As far as running goes, I don't expect to be doing any kind of jogging this side of Christmas. But I'll be discussing this at a hospital appointment mid December with the surgeon who 'sliced me up'!

It has felt like a lifetime since I was training properly but I feel as though progress is being made. I just have to take things steady and I'll be back out on 4 hour rides before I know it! Maybe...

Train well.


  1. Sounds horrible, recover well but don't rush it.

  2. Cheers Turbo, when you've missed a good chunk of training, it's difficult not to rush back and try and make up for lost time. But I'm just happy to be doing something and I don't feel any pressure to rush back...at the moment!

  3. When my appendix burst this year I was itching to get back to training (especially as it was in the run up to my first IM), but the rest and recuperation is the most important thing, take it slow Mal, it's only November, no rush.
