Tuesday 12 January 2010

Shock and Thaw!

Got a bit of shock the other day when I stepped on to the new scales we got for Christmas...since my last weight check, which was just before my leg op, I was 72 kg. This was a couple of kg's heavier than I was during the summer, but nothing too drastic. However, due to not training for 2 months and still eating like I was, then top that up with my weak will power over the Christmas period and I had 'ballooned' to 77 kg!!! Not good! Since that sobering revelation I have got back into eating better and because my training levels are increasing the weight is coming down. Yesterday I weighed in at 75 kg's - not a massive drop but I don't need to loose it too quickly, just as long as I'm back down to my 'racing weight' of 70kg by the summer then I'll be happy.

Well, almost half way through January and I still haven't managed to get my bike on to the roads! I know a lot of you are also suffering in the snow and ice and like all of you I am getting really sick of my turbo! The end of these arctic conditions does seem to be in sight now (well, in North Yorkshire anyway) so hopefully I can get some winter gear on and hit the hills without being met with a road an 'Ice Road Trucker' would be scared of!

Definitely a turbo day!

I struggle to get proper time in on the turbo, especially any kind of endurance ride. The max I have done on the turbo so far has been about 2 hours. I find that turbo riding is harder. I feel as tired after a couple of hours on the turbo as I do after 4 on the roads! Is this just me?
My running endurance is improving - did 90 minutes steady recently without any problems. I am still just training by 'feel' at the moment, just getting the endurance levels up.
Swimming wise , I'm concentrating on drills and aerobic endurance. The pool is quite busy lately with all the 'New Year resolution' swimmers! I don't mind when it's busy as long as the slower swimmers give way at the turns and keep close to the lane ropes to allow faster swimmers to pass without annoying on coming swimmers when overtaking them. Rant over.

This years base period I'm experimenting with doing a lot more weights and core work than I've done before. This is an area I've only 'dabbled' with previously, opting to get 'serious' miles in rather than spend time in a gym. Hopefully this will result in more power on the bike come the summer and maybe a greater resistance to lower leg injuries(?!)
I need to go and finalise my 2010 race plan...decisions, decisions... Train well and pray for rain!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mal

    The problem some people have with turbo training is that they try to replicate their planned road ride on the turbo, and wonder why they get bored and/or de-motivated. Don't. When I started using the turbo I bought Peter Read's 'The Blue Book' which was an invaluable source of advice, information and ideas. Over the years I have added a few of my own and gathered up others from elsewhere. But (and I'm getting to the point, honest) the dullest of all sessions is the xx minutes at yyy bpm heart rate so you have to find different ways of replicating this training effect.

    As for weight training in the winter, from what I've read this is more likely to benefit your running than your cycling.

    All the best.
