Sunday 24 January 2010

Back To The Great Outdoors

Hallelujah! The snow has gone! Since the weather has improved I've been out on a couple of long rides...isn't it nice when the scenery changes as you pedal! Over the last 2 weekends I have bagged some solid base training. Last weekend I dragged myself out of bed for an early 3km swim on the Saturday, and in the afternoon I went for an easy/steady 10 mile run, which took me 1hr 10. I was pleased with the time, it shows that I still have a decent base level of run fitness to build on after my lay off.

The next day I went for my first outdoor ride for nearly a month - a lovely 60 mile loop over the rolling hills to Pateley Bridge (see the snow free photo!). Unfortunately I am having to use my TT bike for outdoor rides at the moment coz my road bike is a bit poorly - the chain keeps slipping under load. I've replaced the rear cassette and chain but it still slips so the next step is to change the chainrings which should sort it then, hopefully. But until then I will just have to keep giving the 'good bike' a damn good scrubbing after every ride.

Now that I am feeling stronger and have my 'mojo' back after my op, this week I have started to take a more structured approach to my training, managing to train twice a day for most of the week.

I did one of my favourite 'extensive endurance' run sessions on Tuesday (outside!). It starts with 10 mins easy then I up the pace for 10 mins of moderate effort, followed by 10 mins very hard before 10 mins easy and then the last 10 mins of 1 min strides 1 min steady. It maybe doesn't sound to hard but it does the job!

My hardest bike session this week was on the turbo for some strength sets. I use a DVD (Joe Friel) The main part of the workout was 15 mins in a gearing I could maintain 50-55 RPM in zone 3 (no power meter here I'm afraid!), with 5 mins easy spinning, and repeat another 3 times. It's a real leg burner but I find these kind of sessions a lot easier to do with the help of a DVD.

Only managed 2 swims this week. One was a long swim of 3km and the other was an interval session of 6 x 250m on 4min 50sec, followed by a recovery ride home. I really must try and get more swimming in next week.

Getting swim time in won't be a problem soon when I'm on my winter training camp with the penguins! Lots of time for that, but outdoor rides and even runs will be a tad more challenging! I fear a lot more turbo and treadmill sessions coming up....

Train smart.

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