Tuesday 9 February 2010

Lack of Motivation? Buy New Kit!

Having read a few other athletes blogs and comments on various tri forums, we all seem to have been through a period where we have suffered from a lack of motivation recently for either cycling, running, swimming...or even all three! There have even been some folk talking of packing it all in and selling their kit! (welcome back Hussler!). One way or another the vast majority of us seem to snap out of it. Some of us are fortunate enough to jet off to sunnier climes for some warm weather training (nice sunshine pics Daz!), but I usually opt for a bit of new kit; doesn't matter what...could be something as lavish as a new bike (I wish!) or as little as a new pair of running socks, doesn't matter what it is, if it's new, it gives me enough of a boost to keep me going until the sun returns and the racing begins!

This last couple of weeks I've increased my running and biking hours, but swimming has kinda stalled a bit. My own 'motivational struggles' have been with the wet stuff. I just don't seem to have the urge to get in the water, and when I do, I find it a chore to put any real effort in. I think it's probably due to the fact that, in the back of my mind, I know I will be doing a lot of swimming when I get down to MPA. Hopefully the new swim shorts will help!
So, I'm mainly concentrating on bike strength at the moment, trying to convert all those squats and leg presses into more specific biking strength. It's leaving me with heavy legs most of the time and as a result my running just seems to be made up of steady runs, some quite long, rather than any real hard efforts, which is no real drama for this time of year. Once I'm done with so much 'big gear crunching' I will shift more emphasis to my run speed...that's the plan anyway!
But at the moment, I'm sort of got addicted to my strength DVD which has me crunching big gears at low cadence. I'm up to 5 intervals of 15 mins in a big gear at 50-55 RPM, with 5 mins easy spinning between. Feel the burn baby!!

Train smart.

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