Tuesday 13 April 2010

Just One More For The Road...

Last week was a little bit disjointed. I had to rearrange my plans a couple of times as the week progressed. This was due to a couple of sleepless nights which left me too tired to train as hard as I had planned, and also a rather heavy 'social gathering' after work. My plans for this 'gathering' were supposed to be 1 or 2 bottles of beer before 'banging out' early so as not to impede on my early morning training the next day. I even had an agreement from a 'partner in crime' who also wanted to stay just for 1 or 2......we seemed to have quite a few 'for the road' and I lost count after 7 bottles...doh!
It may not sound a lot but it was enough for me to have to go very easy the following day, and needless to say the early morning session went right out the window, and it was all I could do to get on my turbo for a very steady 30 mins in the afternoon. Not great.
So I only managed a total of 11 hours last week, out of a planned 13. However, the highlight of the week was my long run up the Peak. I had company for a change, in the form of a 'mate on a bike', a bloke called Matt. Matt was using a borrowed mountain bike. This beast of a machine was a full suspension 'tank' of a bike which had definitely seen much better days! He rode along side me until we hit the base of the Peak, and then I left him to battle with gravity and the loose gravel! He caught up with me near the summit, along a flat bit. After a couple of dips and climbs on the other side of the peak, and a chain faff, we turned for home. This is where Matt let fly and enjoyed himself on the scary decent! He waited for me to catch up at the bottom and then rode with me for the last 25 mins, pushing me on, right to the end! It was a good run, no wind, lots of sun and a 'coach' to push me all the way! He's keen to ride out with me again, which is great. It's always easier to do long runs with a bit of company and Matt will get a good workout in to the bargain!
He also took a snap of me just before we hit the climbs which shows how nice the weather was. Spot the trees!

It's a 'hard week' this week which started this morning with a high intensity swim workout and after lunch today I'm off outside (yes, again!) for a long ride.

Train smart. Make the most of your sunny UK weather!

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