Monday 5 April 2010

Easter Already...Nearly Half Way...

Happy Easter to one and all!

After the previous weeks recovery and (over) indulging in many of my guilty pleasures, namely cake and chocolate, I was 'chomping at the bit' to get back into some 'proper' training.
This was the first of another 3 weeks of building the hours and efforts, before another week of recovery in the 4th week.

Monday was a solid run interval session after work. 6 x 3 min hard / 2 min ez on the treadmill with the 'hard bits' at about 5 min 20 sec mile pace. This was a good blast and I felt quite strong.

Tuesday morning, nice and early before brekky, was a high intensity swim of 6 x 330m (10 lengths) on 6 mins. I was pretty knackered after this and found it pretty hard. I don't think I swim as well early morning on an empty stomach, as I do in the evenings after a day of fueling.
In the afternoon I played a game of squash with a guy who ran me ragged, all over the flipping court! A lesson in squash and no mistake! After my drubbing on the squash court I jumped straight on the turbo for an hour of steady riding including a few single leg drills, spin ups and sprints. I got through over 2 litres of water in 2 hours and still felt a bit dehydrated!

Wednesday morning, after a nightshift, was a long steady swim of 3km in just under 55 mins. At first, my shoulders were still a tad sore after the squash game but after a few lengths they felt fine.

Before going back into work for another nightshift, I hit the turbo for a tough strength session. The main part was 15 mins in a high gear at 50-55 rpm with 3 min easy spinning repeated 4 times. I quite like these workouts in a weird way, coz they seem to hit the right muscles, and hit them hard, and the time seems to go quickly. A 90 min session passes before you know it!

Thursday was a cracker, weather wise. However, the previous nightshift was a bit of a nasty one as we were pretty busy, meaning we had very little time for any 'shuteye', so I had to go to bed for the first half of the day. Once I was suitably rested, I took the opportunity to get outside on the bike for a steady 4 hour ride, up and down the usual route of Mare Harbour road. The sun shone initially but after a couple of hours it clouded over and the chilly wind picked up and it got very cool. I soon regretted the shorts and short sleeve jersey!! By the end of the ride, when I got to the main gate, my hands were so cold that I couldn't open the zip on my under seat saddle bag to get my I.D out! Embarrassing? you betcha!

Friday morning was an early swim again. A bit of high intensity stuff...8 x 100m on 2 min, 2 lengths ez, then 4 x 33m as fast as my little arms could propel me! A hard workout but the rewards were great...a massive breakfast...porridge, eggs, fruit...lovely jubbly!

Saturday was a day of work, so couldn't train till 8 pm, not ideal but needs must! So it was a short sharp turbo session of high intensity efforts:

30sec hard 30 ez x 4, 3 min recovery
60sec hard 60 ez x 3, 3 min recovery
30sec hard 30 ez x 4, 3 min recovery
90sec building to max effort in last 10 sec, 90sec ez
90sec building to max effort in last 10 sec.

I don't like these type of workouts. They are so painful but I know they are essential. I always feel good about myself once I've done them, but the thought of all that pain always leaves me dreading them!

Easter Sunday was rest day and eat chocolate day! A whole Easter egg, and a big one too! Those who witness my feat of chocolate endurance are always in awe of my natural ability to demolish such quantities! What can I say?...It's a gift!

Train smart and train well.


  1. Some gifts should just be admired and celebrated, although I reckon my kids could give you a run for your money in the chocolate eating stakes!

  2. Maybe the mini Turbokids also have 'the gift'...but I have had years of training and have devloped the ability to push on when others fall by the wayside...
