Tuesday 18 May 2010

Time For Recovery...

I think I've definitely earned my recovery week! I trained hard last week, culminating in my own little middle distance tri.

I rested on Monday, and kicked off Tuesday morning with a pre-brekky swim of 8 x 200m on 20 sec rest, averaging 3 min 15 secs. In the evening I did a 55 min bike power workout which was flipping hard! After blasting out the last 20 sec max effort interval, I could hardly catch my breath and it wasn't enough to just be slumped across the bars, I had to get off the bike and lie on the floor! Now that's max effort! I soon recovered enough to slip my run shoes on and do a wee 10 min steady run.

The next morning the weather was pants again so more turbo time. I did a steady 2 and a half hours with some single legs, spin ups and 'hills' thrown in to relieve the boredom. The evening sesh was 6 x 1km (3 min 25 sec) with 90 secs rest, on the treadmill. I pushed the pace a little and found them ok at 5 min 26 per mile pace. I finished them with a bit (a small bit!) left in the tank and was pleased with myself for sticking to my plan of not pushing myself to destruction!

My early swim on Thursday was supposed to be a long one, but I got booted out of the pool to make way for an impromptu organized PT session! I managed to get 25 min done, most of which was drill work.
After breakfast I went out for the day with a few mates to the buzzing metropolis of Stanley. It was good to get off camp, do a bit of tourist stuff (see the 'totem pole') and have a 'proper' cup of coffee and a cracking slice of toffee cake!

When we got back to camp I hit the turbo again...5 x 8 min hard with 2 min rest. Those 2 min rest periods seem to pass in the blink of an eye!

I did a 2.5 km swim on Friday morning, nice and steady.

Saturday was 'long day'! I swam 2km in just under 41 minutes and then changed into my cycling kit and hopped on to the turbo for 2 and a half hours at a moderate effort. Then it was on to the treadmill for 90 mins, covering a whisker over 13 miles. It was a good endurance 'test' but more importantly I tried out a different approach to my race nutrition...no solids! In the long races I did last year, I suffered stomach 'issues' which I put down to eating too much. So I thought I'd try just gels and water with occasional sips of energy drink. It worked a treat! No issues, no stitches, no cramps...sorted! Although my quads felt tender for the rest of the day, my compression tights seemed to do their job well, and by the next morning I felt fine.

Time for a well earned recovery week! Sunday was a rest and stretch day and Monday was a very easy swim, which included a few drills.
Did a very easy 30 min turbo this morning followed by a bit of core work and loads of stretching.

The rest of this week will be focused on more recovery and trying not to eat too much!

Train smart.

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