Monday 24 May 2010

Nice And Easy Does It...

Last weeks recovery week went as planned and I feel recovered!

I even managed to get outside on the bike at one point for a 90 min leisurely spin. I did a few brick sessions too, but nothing too long or too strenuous. At the beginning of the week I felt as though I didn’t really need a lot of recovery and was contemplating just taking 2 or 3 days of rest and easy stuff. But I stuck to the plan and I’m glad I did. I actually felt great by the end of the week…more awake, energized, no aches or pains and full of enthusiasm for some harder training! I think it’s sometimes difficult to realize how tired you actually are, until you compare it to how you feel after some proper rest and recovery…it’s usually a matter of refusing to believe you’re tired because you want to squeeze just a few more hard sessions in! Or is that just me!!?

I marked the return to ‘proper’ training this morning with an early dip in the pool…main set was 8 x 200m on 20 secs rest, average time of 3 min 15, with a fastest of 3 min 10. I always tend to go ‘all out’ on the last rep, whether it is in the pool, on the turbo or on the track/treadmill.

Now it’s 3 more weeks of ‘building’ before a bit of race prep…

Train smart y’all!

1 comment:

  1. "I think it’s sometimes difficult to realize how tired you actually are, until you compare it to how you feel after some proper rest and recovery"

    Wait till you have some real rest and recovery :-) you feel truly awesome then!
