Monday 14 June 2010

4 Month Training Camp Draws to an End!

Last week was mainly race prep stuff with 3 of the workouts being hard efforts.

The ‘hardest’ session was a bike/run brick of 5 x 10 min hard bike, 5 min hard run, 5 min ez spin. I found this quite hard going and so the evening swim that day was simply a 30 min ez plod.

I did a hard swim set of 6 x 200m where my average time was 3:10 and my last one was 3:05…that’s pretty quick for me! I didn’t feel too bad after this session, probably because it was an evening workout which, always seem to go better! Why can’t races be in the evening??!

My toughest run workout last week was a 30 min steady effort, followed by 10 x 400m.
No long run last week. I think my legs are taking longer to recover from those 2 hour plods, and I want to be feeling good for Dambuster…don’t want a DNF like last year!!

As my det comes to an end, and my first race of the season looms, in the last couple of days I have cut all my sessions down to 30 mins of moderate effort with a few short sharp intervals thrown in for a bit of ‘sharpness’. I won’t be training for a couple of days now…Oh the joys of an 18 hour flight! I must remember to eat less this week while the training volume is low!! I will see how much the flight home takes out of me before I decide if I am going to squeeze a ‘loosener’ in on Thurs or Friday.

I’m really looking forward to Dambuster on Saturday and my first wetsuit swim of the year! But more importantly, I will soon be back home and back with my family again after 4 months. The separation has been very hard, but by immersing myself in training, it has made the time apart from my family just that little bit more bearable!

Taper wisely all fellow Dambusters! See ya Saturday!!

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