Tuesday 1 June 2010

The Great Indoors!

Well done to all you Beaver racers! Some good results! I’m looking forward to getting back to blighty and getting some racing done…I enjoy training (mostly!) but I love racing!

Talking of training…it was a nice tough week last week, plenty of hard intervals and race efforts across the board. Unfortunately it has been all indoors apart from an interval hill run session this morning! The weather has been pretty nasty lately…the usual high winds have been relentless but when you add the rain, hail and snow to the mix then it becomes pretty impossible to get outside, especially on the bike. Not good. Even my long run, where I usually just ‘man up’ and get outside no matter the weather, had to be on the treadmill…I couldn’t (or didn’t fancy) doing battle with the frozen snow covered ground, and getting battered by the horizontal snow! Treadmill running for 2 hours does have obvious advantages though; it’s easy to stick to your planned pace, and you don’t have to carry your water or gels. Although it was a pain having to restart the flipping machine when, after an hour, it decides you’ve had enough and sticks you in ‘cool down’ mode, especially if you forget to make a note of how far you’ve done so far! Doh!
My favorite bike session last week was 6 x (8 min hard/2min ez). This was a toughie, but afterwards I was left with that satisfying feeling you get when you know you have worked hard and come through in one piece!
Tonight will be in the pool for a main set of 6 x 330m, hopefully averaging about 5 min 30, but that will depend on what’s left in the tank after this mornings run!
Tomorrow will be a rest day before cracking on with another hard week.

Train and race well bloggers!

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