Tuesday 12 October 2010

Survival of the Muddiest!

What a great race! Myself and a few other RAF triathletes (Greg Mc, Jase, Nick D, Paul F, Granty) turned out at the 'Mens Health Survival of the Fittest' race at the weekend, down in Nottingham. It was a real blast! 10 main obstacles to contend with over a 12km route through and around Nottingham. There were hay bales (first obstacle), army style assault courses, skate parks, football terraces, river crossings and more, with the final 'Wall of Fame' to conquer...it was muddy, wet and a bit tough!

Considering there were around 4000 on the start list, the RAF Tri lot did pretty well! Greg had a great run finishing 4th and apart from his known pedigree as a runner, he was like a flipping squirrel over the obstacles! I was happy crossing the line in 14th, having lost touch with Greg at the first major set of obstacles. Nick seemed to enjoy himself and came home in 23rd with Jase about a minute behind in 33rd. Granty finished 87th and Paul F 112th. The ice bath and FGS at the end were well deserved!

I would recommend this race to anyone who enjoys a run with a difference! I was aching all over for the next couple of days and my knees were battered, bruised and scratched...but I'll be back next year!

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