Monday 7 February 2011

Race Plan Finally Sorted...For Now!

The start of the season is only a few weeks away which for me is the Clumber Duathlon. I'm feeling more focused and positive these days about the up coming season, probably because I'm running a lot better and my calfs are behaving...for now!
I've cobbled together a provisional race plan which, as ever, is subject to change! I was hoping to do the Cleveland Steelman in July again this year but like many races these days, it is already full! Shame, because I really like this race.
Anyway, I'm a happy chappy at the moment because my running is getting stronger and I'm ticking off some good interval sessions now, which feels good! I never feel 'right' unless my running is going well. Although I haven't yet pushed properly to 'test' my run fitness, I reckon I'm better off just carrying on as I am, making weekly improvements and focusing on staying injury free. I'd rather have a season of completed races under my belt than a handful of DNF's!

So training is going ok, in fact did a nice 2 hour brick session this morning...40 min run (increasing speed every 10 mins), 1 hour on the turbo (intervals of 5 min hard at 90-95 rpm, 3 ez) then back on to the treadmill for 20 min (increasing speed every 5 min). Felt good with no niggles, so happy days!

Train Well.

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