Sunday 6 March 2011

Freezing First Race of the Season!

Did the Clumber Du yesterday and it was a mighty cold and wet affair! Mist, fog, drizzle, rain and a temperature of about 1 or 2 degrees made this race a slog, especially on the bike.

My hands were so numb I couldn't get my helmet off in T2! It felt like ages before I finally managed to squeeze that pesky little clasp, but in reality it was prob only about 30 secs, but that's 25 secs too long!

Anyway, it was a good and tough opener to the season. My splits were...10km run 36:16, 40km bike 1:03:59, 5km run 17:49 with an overall of 2:00:11.

I finished 28th overall and 5th in AG which means I didn't quite manage to qualify for Limerick, so now I think I will re-jig my race plan a wee bit and have a crack at Oulton Park next month to try and grab a slot for Gijon in September...nothing ventured and all that!

So although I only just missed out on a GB slot, on reflection I've got to be happy with my times, esp on both runs, which hopefully will stand me in good stead for the coming season...maybe.

Train well.


  1. Great splits Mal, there must have been some real fast boys there!!!!

  2. they are a fast set of splits, good work mate
