Monday 14 March 2011

Age Group Qualification Naivety!

It turns out that I was too hasty in saying that I hadn't qualified for GB at Clumber! This is the first time I've registered my intent to qualify for the GB Age Group stuff and what I failed to realise was that the blokes who finished ahead of me at Clumber, 3 of them had already qualified by virtue of their performances last season. So I did actually qualify for the European Duathlon Champs in Limerick and if I've worked it out correctly, I reckon I should have a slot at the Worlds too! However, nothing has been finalised for the Worlds yet so I will be racing at Oulton Park in the hope that I can make it 'definite' by finishing top 3 in the 'old duffers' age group aka 40-45. Chasing GB age group slots makes it slightly easier to get up at 5 am!

Train safe.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Freezing First Race of the Season!

Did the Clumber Du yesterday and it was a mighty cold and wet affair! Mist, fog, drizzle, rain and a temperature of about 1 or 2 degrees made this race a slog, especially on the bike.

My hands were so numb I couldn't get my helmet off in T2! It felt like ages before I finally managed to squeeze that pesky little clasp, but in reality it was prob only about 30 secs, but that's 25 secs too long!

Anyway, it was a good and tough opener to the season. My splits were...10km run 36:16, 40km bike 1:03:59, 5km run 17:49 with an overall of 2:00:11.

I finished 28th overall and 5th in AG which means I didn't quite manage to qualify for Limerick, so now I think I will re-jig my race plan a wee bit and have a crack at Oulton Park next month to try and grab a slot for Gijon in September...nothing ventured and all that!

So although I only just missed out on a GB slot, on reflection I've got to be happy with my times, esp on both runs, which hopefully will stand me in good stead for the coming season...maybe.

Train well.