Monday 14 March 2011

Age Group Qualification Naivety!

It turns out that I was too hasty in saying that I hadn't qualified for GB at Clumber! This is the first time I've registered my intent to qualify for the GB Age Group stuff and what I failed to realise was that the blokes who finished ahead of me at Clumber, 3 of them had already qualified by virtue of their performances last season. So I did actually qualify for the European Duathlon Champs in Limerick and if I've worked it out correctly, I reckon I should have a slot at the Worlds too! However, nothing has been finalised for the Worlds yet so I will be racing at Oulton Park in the hope that I can make it 'definite' by finishing top 3 in the 'old duffers' age group aka 40-45. Chasing GB age group slots makes it slightly easier to get up at 5 am!

Train safe.


  1. Well done Mal on qualifying for the team!!!!

  2. Mal,

    Congratulations on the GB Qualification. Its great to see you doing well! I'm just about to start my first year road racing, I dont however expect much!!

    Take it easy

  3. Is this the same Jamie that throws himself out of aeroplanes!? Great to hear from ya mate! Good to see you're taking up a proper sport!!

  4. It certainly is... Although i'm taking a year out of jumping this year... Check out my Blog to see if I actually achieve anything!

    Best Wishes from Lou too!
