Sunday 3 May 2009

Race Done...Time To Get Some Miles In.

Thats another race done. The Interservices duathlon last Weds was a sunny and breezy affair, on a flat and open course. It was a long old drive too...4 and a half hours to be exact! It was my first time at this venue and although it was nice to run on a flat course, I'm not a fan of flat bike legs don't want to keep working constantly, without any downhill free wheeling to break it up a bit! Still, I was pretty happy with my run splits....the first run was 5km in 17:33, 20km bike in 26:41 and my 2.5km run in 9:03. But, despite our best efforts, the Army just managed to sneak the win....for a change! We will have our day eventually!

Since the race on Weds I've trained quite well really. Thursday was just a very steady 1 hour turbo ride but on Friday I got up early for an 8 mile run before work, with a 4km pool swim in the evening.
On Saturday I went for a 60 mile ride around a fairly hilly route, then it was on with the trainers for a 10km run. I felt really good, which was probably due to the 'fuel' I managed to get down my neck on the bike. I had a SIS energy bar and a banana, no energy drink this time, just water but a lot more than I would normally have and it worked very well, no cramps (legs or stomach) and no 'stitches'....although I need to eat more whilst on the bike, I finally seem to be getting closer to getting this nutrition lark sorted!

Today, Sunday, was a long run of 14 miles. I did this on 2 Go Gels and again, felt good. This has been the first time in ages that I have managed to run, in some shape or form, for 3 days on the trot with no niggles or tweaks...things are looking up!

Looking forward to this week... I'm on nights at work so as long as the weather isn't too dreadful I should be able to get plenty of miles on the bike, with a couple of long bricks to boot!

Train well...

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