Tuesday 12 May 2009

Night Shifts...Don't Ya Just Love 'em!

I've managed to get some solid long distance training in recently. Whilst I was on a week of night shifts I topped 16 hours!
I started the week with a turbo session of 10 mins tempo (90-100rpm)/3 mins easy, repeated 4 times. This was a bit of a toughie.
The next day was a 10 mile run in 1:08. Apart from being attacked by a pair of kamikaze lapwings which dive bombed me repeatedly trying to c**p on me, it was a pretty comfortable run and I had plenty left in the tank for an evening core session.

Wednesday I did a steady bike to the pool where my main set was 5 x 400m on 7 mins, and then pushed hard on the bike home, with the whole session taking about 2 and a half hours. Later that evening I got my race bike out for 1 hour hard tempo in very windy conditions!
My run session on Thursday was a killer! After a 10 min warm up jog, I did 7 min hard tempo/3 min easy, repeated 7 times. This did hurt...a lot.
On Friday I picked up my boys from school and on the way home they wanted to check out a skate park. Fine by me...there is a pool right next to it! While they practiced their 'ollies' (no, I don't know what they are either), I hit the wet stuff and did 10 min easy, 10 min moderate, 10 min hard, 10 min easy and finished with some sprint work.
Saturday was my BIG RIDE. It was a 90 miler, where I tried a new scientific nutrition strategy of 'eat as much as I can and see what happens'. My food list was: cheese bagel sandwhich, a banana, 2 Power Bars, a litre of Gatorade and 2 litres of water. Apart from a slightly sore neck, having spent the whole ride in the tuck, I felt good enough to go for a 10k run when I got home. It was a good confidence booster in my build up to Bolton.
I backed up my 'big ride' with a 'big run' the next day. I'm not sure how far it was coz it was a new route, but it took 2 hours 15 mins. This was hard work... due in no small part to the leaving do/40th birthday bash my good lady and I attended the night before! Not ideal!

Monday I was feeling a bit battered and bruised from a tough weekend so I plucked up the courage to go for my first open water swim of the year. OMG, it was FREEZING! I lasted about 40 mins before the headache, earache and numb throbbing hands and feet forced me into a hot shower!

Anyway, a good week of 'quantity' with no injuries apart from the usual aches and pains associated with being only a matter of weeks away from turning 40!
Stay fit y'all!


  1. where are you doing your open water swims Mal? give me a shout at work next week and we can see about maybe meeting up for a ride as york is only 40 mile from bridlington.

  2. Hi mate, I swim at Allerthorpe, near Pocklinton on Mondays, 6 til 7pm, whenever I can get away from work in time.
    I Like the idea of meeting up for a ride but I need to get my ankle sorted first!
