Saturday 23 May 2009

A Bit of Bling for a Fat Ankle!

I know its been a while since my last post but I was waiting to get the Brize sprint race out of the way so I could comment on that, but it didn't quite go to plan and I've been struggling to come to terms with the 'outcome'!

Well, it was a good race...decent weather....friendly faces...even bagged a good result...but....I've picked up a rather worrying injury...NOOOOOO!

I came 3rd overall and actually won the Vets race, happy days!
I had a good swim too, managing to do a 5min 30sec 400m swim which is a PB by a quite a bit! The 20km (ish) bike was done in 29min 30sec and the 5km run took just under 20 mins however... the run kind of ended in disaster really...with about 400m to go I rounded a tight corner and tried to step up on to a curb but misjudged it and went right over on my ankle....and I mean right over!
I hobbled to the finish line, took of my shoe and then watched in amazement as my left ankle grew and grew! It was really painful, not just on the outside of the foot but also all around the heel and arch and I could hardly move my toes which worried me a lot!

I knew I had to ice it up and thankfully a good Samaritan, namely Dan Tudge (novice winner), popped up with an ice pack from the med centre, cheers Dan!

With my foot getting bigger all the time I squeezed my shoe on, while I still could, and psyched myself up for the 3 and a half hour drive home!

The next day I went of to the hospital for a x-ray and was very happy to find that it was not broken...phew! However, I have suffered some degree of ligament damage, the extent of which is yet to be determined. I've been R.I.C.E 'ing it for a few days and the swelling has almost completely gone and have a lot more movement and a lot less pain. I certainly won't be running for a wee while but I reckon I will be certainly swimming, and probably cycling by the end of the week.

I will be back to the doc on Wednesday to assess it again...but as an optimist, I think the ligaments are more strained than torn and as long as I don't try and rush back too soon, I think I will be ready for the RAF Champs at Dambuster....time will tell.
So, mainly swimming and biking for me for a while, with some sadistic physio treatment thrown in for good measure!
Sport hurts!
Train well.


  1. Let that be a lesson for you - it wouldn't have happened if you had been wearing your RAF race kit!

    Seriously Mal, great effort and result for you on Wednesday; hope you recover quickly.

  2. dont worry about not running for a while, the cross over from swimming and running will be fine and there is plenty of time b4 IMUK. well done on the result.

  3. Thanks for the 'well done's! I surprised myself a bit too!

    Hey Turbo Man..I WAS wearing RAF RACING KIT! Admittedly I was sporting my fetching Tri UK jacket before and after, but even racing in my RAF kit couldn't save my ankle!!

    Ankle update.....
    Did hour and half on turbo ankle pain! Hoorah!

  4. Take it easy mate, no need to rush back. Plenty of time!
