Tuesday 20 October 2009

A Hilly 10km Race, Then Off to Hospital!

Did the Richmond 10k in North Yorkshire last Sunday. If you like hilly runs then this would be right up your street! This was the first 'run only' race I'd done in ages and it felt weird not having a machine and a bag full of kit to prep!

It was a very 'pretty' route which started on the cobbles of the Market Square and finished in the grounds of Richmond Castle. Right from the hooter, the first kilometre was a steep and twisting descent which was quite tricky with 500 runners all vying for position before being funneled in to a path which followed the river. I found myself just off the back of the leading pack of about a dozen runners and when I checked my watch at the first km marker, I realised I'd probably gone off too quick. I'd read that this was a hilly course but the next couple of k's were still a bit of a shock as the route climbed and climbed. Thankfully after that, the next few k's were quite flat before the roads started to resemble the Big Dipper again with more fast descent's and more steep climbs! By now my quads were feeling a tad battered from the downhill sections and my calfs were burning from the climbs. The final km seemed to go on forever, as we climbed up across more cobbles and into the grounds of the castle. As I slowly climbed towards the elusive finish line, one guy came past me. It's fair to say that I was suffering but was determined not to let him get away, and with about 20 metres to go I managed to retake him and thankfully he didn't kick again, otherwise I would have just let him go!
I finished in a time of 38:40 and came 19th overall with a cheeky 2nd prize in age group- gotta be happy with that!
After the race my legs felt like they'd been hit by a sledge hammer but I enjoyed the run out.

As for the next few weeks, there will be no training for me. I go into hospital tomorrow to get my varicose veins removed from my legs. Nice. It will involve some cuts at the top of my groin, around my knees and down my shins and the veins are then pulled out. Nice. Post op, I get my legs bandaged from ankle to groin, which stay on for about a week, and I have to keep my legs elevated as much as poss while popping pain killers like M+M's!

Hopefully, I should be able to resume some light exercise after about 3 weeks...time will tell.

Once I've recovered, my shins should no longer look like a map of the M1 and the doc said it may help reduce my susceptibility to lower calf injuries...time will tell once again!
My time in 'rehab' will give me plenty of time to plan my winter training regime which will give me something to focus on until my legs are released from the mummification!
Train smart.

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