Thursday 29 October 2009

And They're Off!...The Bandages That Is.

Exactly one week after my op, I finally got to take the restrictive, sticky and ever so slightly smelly bandages off.
I had strict instructions not to get the bandages wet until the day of removal, where I was to soak in a warm bath and slowly peel them away from the steri-strips covering the small cuts underneath. The bath felt great but I was really nervous about peeling back the bandages..would it hurt?...would I open up the wounds underneath?...would I pass out with the pain?! Thankfully, none of the above! In fact, the worst thing about the whole experience was the nasty colour of the bath water once I'd finished!
These pics were taken just after the removal of the bandages. Every one of those steri-strips hides a cut! I was shocked at how many there were! I was only expecting to see half a dozen cuts, but at least the bruising wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I've still got quite a lot of pain in both groins which means when I walk, I can barely take a stride of about a foot length!
The nerve endings in the skin on my shins is still a bit haywire too. They feel like I have been stung by stinging nettles...weird!
I hope these pics aren't too 'gory', but I think it will help me when I look back at them and hopefully see the progress I'm making. (Check me out - the amateur psychologist!!)
Train well.


  1. some professional standard bruising going on there mal, hope you feel better soon
