Tuesday 30 March 2010

Cake Aids Recovery!

Last week was a steady recovery week. With no real plan, it was simply a case of whatever I felt like doing, I did, and did very easy with loads of stretching. Total training hours, including core and stretching sessions, was 9 hours.

The weather was kind last week so I got outside on my bike quite a bit for some easy rides in the sun and wind. Most of my rides included some single leg drills and one or two spin ups just to make it a bit more interesting.

My swimming mainly consisted of drills and steady/easy swims. Occasionally I'd do some short, moderate intervals, no more than 100m, with long rests. I tried some kicking drills but unlike Saggers, I still cannot kick for toffee! I just seem to stop dead in the water! So I've convinced myself that I shouldn't waste my energy and time trying to improve a skill that I don't really need and will never master! Well that's my take on it anyway!

I made the most of my recovery week, and the spare time it gave me, to get out and about on the island. I did a battlefield tour of Mount Tumbledown, which was as moving as it was informative and also involved a fair old plod over some pretty rough terrain, albeit at a leisurely pace. On another day we visited some war memorials, including the Argentinian Memorial and the Para's memorial at Goose Green. On the way home we stopped at Darwin to hit the 'cafe' for a pot of tea and a pile of cakes...now that's what recovery is all about!

I will be picking up the effort and intensity this week and aiming for between 10 - 12 hours. Fingers crossed the weather remains kind for some outdoor action!

Train smart.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it's going well, the weather sounds better than what I currently have, 30 mph northerly winds and more flippin' snow!

    Cake ... oh deary me LOL!

    Kicking, I was rubbish too, but if you can get hold of fins and do all your kicking with them and some swim sets it does make a BIG difference, even I can kick now, I thought of Sags today in fact as I whizzed up the pool!
