Tuesday 2 June 2009

'It's All About The Bike' (For Now...)

The foot is well on the mend, thankfully! I only feel pain now when it's stretched and pulled, but don't feel it when walking, swimming and cycling. I'm also managing to do calf raises and very slow jogging (just fast walking really) so I'm feeling pretty positive that this injury shouldn't keep me down for too long....I, like many other triathletes, have learnt the hard way that patience is paramount!
However, one thing is slightly concerning me. Although my ankle seems relatively ok, my lower calf feels a little tight and I'm starting to wonder if I injured that a little too!? I have been massaging, icing and stretching it just in case and will get a better idea when I start running a bit more.
So, with no running, I have beasted the bike this week with 5 bike workouts in 6 days and survived to tell the tale!

Bank Holiday Monday I went for a 4 hour ride which put my new Fizik Arione Tri 2 saddle through its paces....verdict...very nice saddle, which will be spot on for my Ironman ride. This ride was deliberately flat as my ankle felt sore if I applied too much pressure on the peddles.

The next day I hit the turbo for some tempo intervals, 4 x 10 min hard efforts off 2 min rest.

Wednesday was my first venture into the water with my oversized ankle. Surprisingly though, It felt quite sore so I had to concentrate on not kicking at all. This had quite an adverse effect on my split times and I felt quite grumpy afterwards! The worst thing about this session was the cramps I got in my foot. Trying to stop my foot pointing down was pretty tricky and when the cramp kicked in I couldn't stretch it out coz of the pain in my ankle!

On Thursday I did my first time trial for over 2 years! I tagged along with Clifton Cycle Club from York on a hilly 10.5 mile TT. Tough course, but a good session and I will hopefully get to some more of these through the summer. Still not sure where I finished coz I had to leave straight after, but I clocked myself at 30 mins 02 sec....something to aim for in a fortnight.

Friday was a tempo ride for 1 hr 15 mins.

By Saturday I was feeling pretty tired but managed to get in an early morning 3.5km swim (no ankle pain this time) and in the afternoon I cycled back from watching my lads' 'old boys' cricket match against his old school. It was about 55 miles home with some testing hills. It was quite a warm day and I got through nearly 2 litres of Gatorade and as soon as I got home I downed a berry FGS and made very light work of 2 Eat Natural bars (cranberry and dark chocolate......nice)

And on the seventh day I rested!
I was worn out! It was a good bike week though, and I didn't pick up any riding 'niggles'.
It was a cracking hot and sunny day on Sunday...did a bit of sun bathing and had a BBQ with the family. A great end to the week.

Train well.

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