Sunday 14 March 2010

I Don't Think I'm in Kansas Anymore!!!

A good week of training this week. I seem to have shaken off the remnants of the man flu and am feeling a lot stronger and more motivated. The weather has taken a turn for the worse this week with very high winds mixed with rain and hail...not ideal for biking! No matter, it's what I expected really and is why I dragged my turbo down with me.

Monday was a core session in the morning with a steady recovery swim in the evening.
Tuesday, due to working long days today, and the fact that my legs where still a bit tender from Sundays long hilly run, I only did one session and that was a swim in the evening, mainly drills with a bit of speed work.
Wednesday: as the blue sky had seduced me, the plan was for a long ride outside, the usual multiple Mare Harbour loops. It was windy but didn't seem too bad. However, 30 minutes into the ride, flying downhill, in the tuck, I popped out from behind a sheltered section of road to be smacked from the right hand side by an almighty crosswind gust! I battled with my front wheel as it wobbled furiously whilst leaning myself and my bike into the wind at about 45 degrees, and only just managed to stay upright and out of the big ditches at the edge of the road. I really thought I was coming off and was amazed I avoided a crash. With my heart still pounding, I regained my composure and rode back, straight to the gym and stuck my bike on the turbo for 2:30 of hot sweaty fun! (the gym here is like a sauna!) In the evening I ran on the treadmill for a steady 50 mins with the occasional 30 sec blast to break up the monotony.
Thursday morning, after finishing my night shift, I went to the pool for a pyramid swim session of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 lengths (33 metre pool) with 30 secs rest between them, 2 lengths easy swim, then back down again, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, all at a fairly fast pace. A hard session but a good intense thrash! That afternoon I was on the turbo for a strength workout of 10 min hard gear at 50-55 rpm, 5 min spin at 100+ rpm, repeated 6 times, then jumped onto the treadmill for a 15 min jog.
Friday morning was a pyramid interval session on the treadmill starting at 45 secs and building in increments upto the longest interval of 3:45, before coming back down again, at a pace between 11.5 and 12 mph. The second workout of the day was a swim of 6 x 330m (10 lengths) on 6 minutes. This was a hard session as I think the previous few days training had caught up with me a bit!
Saturday was a rest day (hoorah!) and today I have just got back from an 80 min run...outside! It was definitely the windiest day I have ever known and I reckon it was even too windy for the Wicked Witch of the West to go for a spin!

I ran down to Mare Harbour (yes I do go there a lot!) with the wind in my face. I was running head down all the way there, with my arms tucked in by my sides and my hands up in front of my chest like a boxer! At the turn round point the wind blew me all the way back at a faster pace than I would have liked and on the downhill sections I had to really put the brakes on! I got back nearly 15 mins quicker than it took on the first half! Mad! I will be in the pool this evening before my night shift, for a long swim of about 3km.
So, this week has been good and next weeks plan is for a slightly harder week, mainly indoors I reckon if this weather remains dangerously windy, and after that I can look forward to an easier recovery week.

Train smart y'all. (HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MUM!)

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