Tuesday 2 March 2010

Still no Training...

The man flu has left me with infected sinuses for which the Doc kindly gave me antibiotics. So I should be rid of this filthy infection within a week. On the plus side, Doc said I'm ok to train as soon as I feel up to it, the sinus problem shouldn't get any worse with physical effort, it just depends how much I can put up with the headaches! I realise I'm not going to be 100% for a while but any training is better than no training at all.
I think I'll just see this week out with no real structure or training plan, just some gentle biking and running, and once I deem my nose is 'safe' to go near the water then I'll be going for a dip.

You never know, I might have some actual training to report on in my next blog!

Train well.

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