Sunday 7 March 2010

Normal Service Resumed!

Finally managed to shift my lurgy and am feeling a lot more positive now that I'm training again.
I started training last Wednesday with an easy 90 min bike ride in some lovely Falklands sunshine and surprisingly calm winds. Although I was taking it easy, the road down to Mare Harbour, as I'm sure some of you will know, is a bit lumpy. As I approached some of these hills, just to test myself and to try and gauge my recovery, I tried to push it up to the tops. But by the time I'd attacked the second hill my legs turned to jelly and so from then on it really was an easy ride.
Thursday was a windy day but there was still a great deal of sun breaking through. After a 75 min steady ride in the morning, in the afternoon I jogged across to the grass run track and knocked out 15 x 300m with 100m jog recovery. (I think it's a 400m track?!) They were not lung busters by any stretch, but it still felt great to be attempting some constructive training.

Friday was another bike ride. The rides outside are simply a number of loops down to Mare Harbour and back. The hills are quite testing but are really testing when the wind picks up to gusts of 40 kts! That evening I ventured to the pool for a brisk 50 min swim, again, just to test my 'head out' to see if the sinuses were clear enough to handle it. Results were good!

Saturday was time to pick up the intensity. I set my turbo up in my room (after warning my neighbours of the impending drone!) and thrashed out an intense interval session to a training DVD. It was absolutely knackering! I tried to keep to the gearing and cadence I had done before but for the very last group of intervals I had to admit defeat and moved to an easier gear in order to keep the same cadence. On completing the last one, I slumped over my bars and I may have even swore a little! Once I had regained my composure, I span it out for 5 mins before changing into my run shoes for an easy 15 min jog.

I was up at 7am this morning for a 90 min run over Pleasant Peak. My legs felt a tad heavy as I set off' but after about 10 mins I felt ok. The weather again was cracking this sky, no wind, no traffic, big hill...bliss!

Tonight will be an easy swim with a few drills thrown in.

It feels good to be back on track but I realise how easy it is to over train down here. It is something I definitely need to guard against. Its mainly the running where I am more likely to brake down with an injury, so I aim to concentrate more on improving my ability on 2 wheels and be more conservative with the running.

Train smart.

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