Sunday 28 June 2009

Loads of Biking, Tiny Bit of Running.

Another week of 'going to town 'on the bike and in the wet stuff!
I've clocked up over 300 miles this week, which culminated in a 110 miler today! Its been a deliberately hard week, especially on 2 wheels and I thought I'd be totally ruined after todays long ride, but I actually don't feel too bad really! Alright, my quads wobble uncontrollably when I walk down the stairs, but apart from that....! I even chucked on my trainers for a mammoth 10 minute run, once I'd peeled myself off the bike...and had no calf issues. I only intend to build up the running mighty slowly, 10 mins at a time, and if I can eventually build up to 90 mins or so without any twinges before my IM, then I will be more than happy with that.

Ive also managed just over 10km of swimming, which included a 3.5km open water swim yesterday morning in the lake at Ripon racecourse. Nice lake, but the weeds are getting high in places which seem to make a grab for you as you cruise over them and there seems to be more moody swans patrolling around the islands! My other swims during the week were sandwiched between biking to and from the pool, which was generally a steady ride there and a hard ride back home, post swim. However, I did manage to fall off my bike last Thursday. Totally my fault, I was being a biff. I changed gear and simultaneously stood hard on the peddles before the chain had time to settle in to gear, the chain jumped off, my feet spun out of the peddles, and I hit the deck! Luckily I was going pretty slow and only came out with a grazed/bruised knee and a twisted little finger! Oh and a nice dent to the old pride! Good job it was my training bike!

This week will be a little easier, but coz I'm not doing much of the run at the Steelman this weekend, I intend to 'train through' it. I think I will do a wee bit of the run leg, maybe 20 mins, but I will stop before any twinges or tightening starts, that way I can continue to strengthen my calf steadily.

Train smart. Enjoy the up coming heat wave!

Tuesday 23 June 2009

The Walk of Shame...

Dambuster was a bit of a 'Yin and Yang' experience for me!
I'm not sure about the rest of the RAF guys, but I thought it was a success having a RAF only wave, even though we were first off at 0640! It was good to be able to see where you are in relation to the rest of the red white and blue, especially once we hit the dam on the run.
It wasn't all good for me though. It started well...I was pleased with my swim. I was good minute faster than last year and I reckon it must have been my new Foor Synflex suit! (honest!) These suits are so comfortable and they are really easy to get off, and they zip up the right way!! That one's for you Silver Fox!!!!
The bike wasn't too bad for me either. Despite a fair breeze blowing, the weather was kind this rain! I even managed to chase a few folk down on the bike and was pleased to get out of T2 with Mat and Jase not too far ahead.
But now we come to the run. This was always going to be a case of 'take it easy and see how the calf feels'. Once I'd got my racing shoes on I forced myself to take it steady. I was feeling good as I got to the dam and collected my first wristband. I felt I had plenty left in the tank but I was still paying very close attention to how my calf was feeling. I was telling myself, 'if my calf is ok once I've left the dam then I'll push it home'. Its amazing how quickly all your plans can change!!! As I turned to start the second loop of the dam I felt my calf start to feel a little tight. That was it. STOP. I could have probably carried on to the finish, and if I wasn't doing my IM in 6 weeks I would have just pushed on and suffered the consequnces later! However, for once I was very sensible and grown up and decided to stop straight away.
Its surprising how long it is back to transition from the dam! That walk of shame seemed to take forever! My calf felt ok during the long walk back so I knew I hadn't done any more damage; maybe I was a little over cautious, but I can't risk it.
When I finally got back I went to see the nice man in the St Johns Ambulance tent and got an ice pack strapped to it as a precaution.
All in all, it wasn't a bad day at the office really, even though my 'dam' calf (see what I did there!) is still not properly healed, the run I did manage to do felt fine and I'm happy that I don't seem to have lost much fitness since having my run snags.
More patience needed now to allow this calf to fix, hence I have already decided that my Cleveland Steelman Middle distance in 2 weeks will be a swim and a bike and then a stop!
Train well.

Monday 15 June 2009

Still Not Running!!!

Although I'm lucky not to be in Saggers' shoes regarding troublesome running injuries, (good luck at Headley mate!)it's still been a month since I've ran properly and with only 7 weeks to IM I'm preparing myself for a fair bit of walking on Aug 2nd.
However, I have been doing a bit of hopping, high knee lifts, calf raises, etc, and then massage followed by lots of icing...I just haven't risked any 'proper' running...I'm too scared to! I really can't risk another breakdown of my dodgy calf, so on Saturday at Dambuster I will be going veeeerrryyyy steady on the run, treating it as a bit of a tester, and if I get a twinge I will drop out. I feel as though it's almost mended but I'm happy to sacrifice run fitness now, so that I can run as much of the IM as possible, even if it's at a snails pace!

So, last week was 'bike-tastic' again!
Lots of muscular endurance work during the week and then Friday was a hilly 95 miler, after which I felt pretty good really, just a bit of a sore neck.
Saturday am was an open water swim at Ripon race course. Water was clear as a bell, which has its downside for me as I get a bit spooked when I can see all the fish and weeds just beneath me!
Did an easy spin Sat pm and on Sunday I did a 50 mile ride incorporating an hour of hard tempo, crunching a high gear. Felt a bit shattered after that ride so didn't train Sunday pm and today was just a bit of calf rehab.

I'm feeling apprehensive about how my calf will cope at Dambuster, but also looking forward to testing it out, in the hope that it will be ok!

For those partaking in a little Dambuster action on Saturday, see ya there. Early indications are that the weather could be ok too, but don't say that out loud!!!

Train well.

Monday 8 June 2009

Pothole Magnet!

With my ankle pretty much mended, I've been ticking over nicely this week , biking and swimming wise, with a mammoth 35 min run yesterday!

The week started with a 1 hour lake swim and the water was as warm as a bath (ish) and bathed in sunshine! One thing that I have realised though, is that I need to change my goggles from clear lenses to dark...I was swimming blind for long stretches of the lake!

Tuesday was a 2 hour hard ride including 30 mins of reps on an 18% hill chucked in for good measure.

Wednesday was an early turbo session and an evening swim which consisted of drills and a main set of 4 x 500m followed by 1L hard, 1L easy for 20 mins.

I hit the turbo again on Thursday for 6 x 5 min hard / 3 min easy.

Friday was not a good day bike wise! 20 minutes into a planned 45 miler I was 'down in the tuck' and moving fairly well amongst a fair bit of traffic. I took my eye off the road, briefly, and looked down just in time to see a pothole the size of Wembley Stadium open up before me! I had no option but to hang on, grit my teeth and hope I wouldn't get thrown off! There was a mighty 'crack', I wobbled, did a bit of 'off roading' but managed to stay upright!

Once I'd brought my steed under control I realised my front wheel was so buckled that it was catching on both brake blocks and my bars had slipped down and wouldn't move back up. I cycled back home to inspect it further. Thankfully no real damage done; the bars were easily remedied (and a bit of fiddling with the headset was needed) and the next day, the local bike shop did a good job of straightening my wheel.

While the wheel was in the shop on Saturday morning, I went for a 4km swim. I pushed it hard, due in no small part to the bloke who sat on my feet the whole way! When I realised he was there I tried to shake him off but he matched my every move! Once I'd finished he said, "Thanks for that, we kept a good pace there". What do you mean 'we'!!? I was worn out! However, he did agree to take to take his turn at the front next time!

Later that afternoon I got my bike back on the road for a 60 mile ride.

Sunday morning I got out on the bike again for another 60 miler and then went for my first run in nearly 3 weeks by running off the bike for 35 mins. The ankle felt great but my lower calf was a bit tight and although it didn't get any worse as I ran, with only 8 weeks to IM UK it is something I can't ignore, or it will be a long walk around Bolton......more ice please!

Train well

Tuesday 2 June 2009

'It's All About The Bike' (For Now...)

The foot is well on the mend, thankfully! I only feel pain now when it's stretched and pulled, but don't feel it when walking, swimming and cycling. I'm also managing to do calf raises and very slow jogging (just fast walking really) so I'm feeling pretty positive that this injury shouldn't keep me down for too long....I, like many other triathletes, have learnt the hard way that patience is paramount!
However, one thing is slightly concerning me. Although my ankle seems relatively ok, my lower calf feels a little tight and I'm starting to wonder if I injured that a little too!? I have been massaging, icing and stretching it just in case and will get a better idea when I start running a bit more.
So, with no running, I have beasted the bike this week with 5 bike workouts in 6 days and survived to tell the tale!

Bank Holiday Monday I went for a 4 hour ride which put my new Fizik Arione Tri 2 saddle through its paces....verdict...very nice saddle, which will be spot on for my Ironman ride. This ride was deliberately flat as my ankle felt sore if I applied too much pressure on the peddles.

The next day I hit the turbo for some tempo intervals, 4 x 10 min hard efforts off 2 min rest.

Wednesday was my first venture into the water with my oversized ankle. Surprisingly though, It felt quite sore so I had to concentrate on not kicking at all. This had quite an adverse effect on my split times and I felt quite grumpy afterwards! The worst thing about this session was the cramps I got in my foot. Trying to stop my foot pointing down was pretty tricky and when the cramp kicked in I couldn't stretch it out coz of the pain in my ankle!

On Thursday I did my first time trial for over 2 years! I tagged along with Clifton Cycle Club from York on a hilly 10.5 mile TT. Tough course, but a good session and I will hopefully get to some more of these through the summer. Still not sure where I finished coz I had to leave straight after, but I clocked myself at 30 mins 02 sec....something to aim for in a fortnight.

Friday was a tempo ride for 1 hr 15 mins.

By Saturday I was feeling pretty tired but managed to get in an early morning 3.5km swim (no ankle pain this time) and in the afternoon I cycled back from watching my lads' 'old boys' cricket match against his old school. It was about 55 miles home with some testing hills. It was quite a warm day and I got through nearly 2 litres of Gatorade and as soon as I got home I downed a berry FGS and made very light work of 2 Eat Natural bars (cranberry and dark chocolate......nice)

And on the seventh day I rested!
I was worn out! It was a good bike week though, and I didn't pick up any riding 'niggles'.
It was a cracking hot and sunny day on Sunday...did a bit of sun bathing and had a BBQ with the family. A great end to the week.

Train well.