Monday 8 June 2009

Pothole Magnet!

With my ankle pretty much mended, I've been ticking over nicely this week , biking and swimming wise, with a mammoth 35 min run yesterday!

The week started with a 1 hour lake swim and the water was as warm as a bath (ish) and bathed in sunshine! One thing that I have realised though, is that I need to change my goggles from clear lenses to dark...I was swimming blind for long stretches of the lake!

Tuesday was a 2 hour hard ride including 30 mins of reps on an 18% hill chucked in for good measure.

Wednesday was an early turbo session and an evening swim which consisted of drills and a main set of 4 x 500m followed by 1L hard, 1L easy for 20 mins.

I hit the turbo again on Thursday for 6 x 5 min hard / 3 min easy.

Friday was not a good day bike wise! 20 minutes into a planned 45 miler I was 'down in the tuck' and moving fairly well amongst a fair bit of traffic. I took my eye off the road, briefly, and looked down just in time to see a pothole the size of Wembley Stadium open up before me! I had no option but to hang on, grit my teeth and hope I wouldn't get thrown off! There was a mighty 'crack', I wobbled, did a bit of 'off roading' but managed to stay upright!

Once I'd brought my steed under control I realised my front wheel was so buckled that it was catching on both brake blocks and my bars had slipped down and wouldn't move back up. I cycled back home to inspect it further. Thankfully no real damage done; the bars were easily remedied (and a bit of fiddling with the headset was needed) and the next day, the local bike shop did a good job of straightening my wheel.

While the wheel was in the shop on Saturday morning, I went for a 4km swim. I pushed it hard, due in no small part to the bloke who sat on my feet the whole way! When I realised he was there I tried to shake him off but he matched my every move! Once I'd finished he said, "Thanks for that, we kept a good pace there". What do you mean 'we'!!? I was worn out! However, he did agree to take to take his turn at the front next time!

Later that afternoon I got my bike back on the road for a 60 mile ride.

Sunday morning I got out on the bike again for another 60 miler and then went for my first run in nearly 3 weeks by running off the bike for 35 mins. The ankle felt great but my lower calf was a bit tight and although it didn't get any worse as I ran, with only 8 weeks to IM UK it is something I can't ignore, or it will be a long walk around Bolton......more ice please!

Train well


  1. sounds like training is going well, take the running easy, it is surprising how much form you will still have! make sure you take the recovery seriously, compression reallly is the way ahead. compression socks on the long or hard runs and i use cold baths after a hard bike or run followed by compression tights for a few hours or even overnight! now out here that is warm!

  2. glad to hear you are able to run again.shame you had to miss your second biggest event of the year, the inter village gala. not to worry though M.R.snr.kept the rose flag flying by winning both his running events.
