Sunday 28 June 2009

Loads of Biking, Tiny Bit of Running.

Another week of 'going to town 'on the bike and in the wet stuff!
I've clocked up over 300 miles this week, which culminated in a 110 miler today! Its been a deliberately hard week, especially on 2 wheels and I thought I'd be totally ruined after todays long ride, but I actually don't feel too bad really! Alright, my quads wobble uncontrollably when I walk down the stairs, but apart from that....! I even chucked on my trainers for a mammoth 10 minute run, once I'd peeled myself off the bike...and had no calf issues. I only intend to build up the running mighty slowly, 10 mins at a time, and if I can eventually build up to 90 mins or so without any twinges before my IM, then I will be more than happy with that.

Ive also managed just over 10km of swimming, which included a 3.5km open water swim yesterday morning in the lake at Ripon racecourse. Nice lake, but the weeds are getting high in places which seem to make a grab for you as you cruise over them and there seems to be more moody swans patrolling around the islands! My other swims during the week were sandwiched between biking to and from the pool, which was generally a steady ride there and a hard ride back home, post swim. However, I did manage to fall off my bike last Thursday. Totally my fault, I was being a biff. I changed gear and simultaneously stood hard on the peddles before the chain had time to settle in to gear, the chain jumped off, my feet spun out of the peddles, and I hit the deck! Luckily I was going pretty slow and only came out with a grazed/bruised knee and a twisted little finger! Oh and a nice dent to the old pride! Good job it was my training bike!

This week will be a little easier, but coz I'm not doing much of the run at the Steelman this weekend, I intend to 'train through' it. I think I will do a wee bit of the run leg, maybe 20 mins, but I will stop before any twinges or tightening starts, that way I can continue to strengthen my calf steadily.

Train smart. Enjoy the up coming heat wave!

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