Monday 15 June 2009

Still Not Running!!!

Although I'm lucky not to be in Saggers' shoes regarding troublesome running injuries, (good luck at Headley mate!)it's still been a month since I've ran properly and with only 7 weeks to IM I'm preparing myself for a fair bit of walking on Aug 2nd.
However, I have been doing a bit of hopping, high knee lifts, calf raises, etc, and then massage followed by lots of icing...I just haven't risked any 'proper' running...I'm too scared to! I really can't risk another breakdown of my dodgy calf, so on Saturday at Dambuster I will be going veeeerrryyyy steady on the run, treating it as a bit of a tester, and if I get a twinge I will drop out. I feel as though it's almost mended but I'm happy to sacrifice run fitness now, so that I can run as much of the IM as possible, even if it's at a snails pace!

So, last week was 'bike-tastic' again!
Lots of muscular endurance work during the week and then Friday was a hilly 95 miler, after which I felt pretty good really, just a bit of a sore neck.
Saturday am was an open water swim at Ripon race course. Water was clear as a bell, which has its downside for me as I get a bit spooked when I can see all the fish and weeds just beneath me!
Did an easy spin Sat pm and on Sunday I did a 50 mile ride incorporating an hour of hard tempo, crunching a high gear. Felt a bit shattered after that ride so didn't train Sunday pm and today was just a bit of calf rehab.

I'm feeling apprehensive about how my calf will cope at Dambuster, but also looking forward to testing it out, in the hope that it will be ok!

For those partaking in a little Dambuster action on Saturday, see ya there. Early indications are that the weather could be ok too, but don't say that out loud!!!

Train well.

1 comment:

  1. I suppose I am the last person to be offering running advice and I may well have mentioned this before, but when I had calf problems early last year the only solution was to stop running COMPLETELY. I tried cutting back, had sports massage etc etc but the only thing that worked was 2 weeks completely running free. Swim and bike to your hearts content but absolutely no running, or any of those other dodgy exercises.

    Just my tuppence worth and of course I'm not a coach, physio, doctor, herbologist etc so please feel free to ignore my advice.

    But, ref your previous post, here's something you should heed - learn to bunny hop a bike! :-)
