Tuesday 23 June 2009

The Walk of Shame...

Dambuster was a bit of a 'Yin and Yang' experience for me!
I'm not sure about the rest of the RAF guys, but I thought it was a success having a RAF only wave, even though we were first off at 0640! It was good to be able to see where you are in relation to the rest of the red white and blue, especially once we hit the dam on the run.
It wasn't all good for me though. It started well...I was pleased with my swim. I was good minute faster than last year and I reckon it must have been my new Foor Synflex suit! (honest!) These suits are so comfortable and they are really easy to get off, and they zip up the right way!! That one's for you Silver Fox!!!!
The bike wasn't too bad for me either. Despite a fair breeze blowing, the weather was kind this year..no rain! I even managed to chase a few folk down on the bike and was pleased to get out of T2 with Mat and Jase not too far ahead.
But now we come to the run. This was always going to be a case of 'take it easy and see how the calf feels'. Once I'd got my racing shoes on I forced myself to take it steady. I was feeling good as I got to the dam and collected my first wristband. I felt I had plenty left in the tank but I was still paying very close attention to how my calf was feeling. I was telling myself, 'if my calf is ok once I've left the dam then I'll push it home'. Its amazing how quickly all your plans can change!!! As I turned to start the second loop of the dam I felt my calf start to feel a little tight. That was it. STOP. I could have probably carried on to the finish, and if I wasn't doing my IM in 6 weeks I would have just pushed on and suffered the consequnces later! However, for once I was very sensible and grown up and decided to stop straight away.
Its surprising how long it is back to transition from the dam! That walk of shame seemed to take forever! My calf felt ok during the long walk back so I knew I hadn't done any more damage; maybe I was a little over cautious, but I can't risk it.
When I finally got back I went to see the nice man in the St Johns Ambulance tent and got an ice pack strapped to it as a precaution.
All in all, it wasn't a bad day at the office really, even though my 'dam' calf (see what I did there!) is still not properly healed, the run I did manage to do felt fine and I'm happy that I don't seem to have lost much fitness since having my run snags.
More patience needed now to allow this calf to fix, hence I have already decided that my Cleveland Steelman Middle distance in 2 weeks will be a swim and a bike and then a stop!
Train well.

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